"The Beast & the Whore rule without control" William Blake, 1792 |
Peter Dale Scott The Real Grand Chessboard and the Profiteers of War (Part Two) At some point in time, the leaders of Halliburton and Diligence, Alfa’s allies and “roof” in Washington, allegedly made contact with a shady group in Russia with Alfa connections, a group that, back in 1998, incorporated itself as the Russian firm Far West Ltd (now Far West LLC). Obama and the Intelligence Cabal
There is a lot of anti-Obama speech on the Web. Why should anybody care about a bunch of former Soviet spooks fulminating against the President of the United States? Update on the Arctic Sea Affair The Arctic See had no arms in her hold... only drugs. From the Arctic Sea to the Titanic? There is a wide intentional conspiracy to subvert Obama's policy to normalize the relations between the United States and Russia. A group of US militarists, led by Vice-President Biden, uses the extremist top brass of Ukrainian military intelligence (GUR) for black psyops operations against Russia..
Sam Haider: "Saidov told me the whole story" Up to 20 nuclear-capable Kh-55 missiles -- with a 3000km range -- and four 200-kiloton nuclear warheads were stolen by a shadowy group of former Russian and Ukrainian intelligence and military officers. Saidov's “Bagram Group” May Have Been Involved in Afghan Attacks Aimed at Steinmeier Since the Chechen Republic is a part of the Russian Federation, the attacks against German forces by Kadyrov's secret service on the territory of a foreign state can and should be constructed as Russia's acts of war against Germany.
The information about Prince Turki's interference on the part of Saidov and Kadyrov does not come as a surprise, given the extensive business and political relations between Turki's family and the group of former Soviet intelligence officers, Ruslan Saidov among them, who are usually designated in Russian press under the collective name “FarWest.” The Blues They Played in Moldova FROM WASHINGTON WITH NEO-TROTSKYISM Organizer of the "conspiracy in Nice" Anton Surikov aka Gregory Orloff (center) with his Washington friends Zeyno Baran of the Hudson Institute and Fiona Hill of the CIA. Their new project in Russia goes under the code name "Neotrotskyism." Za operacja "Clean Field" stali amerykanscy syjonisci-neokonserwatysci i ukrainscy faszysci. Wywiad Nataszy Barcz (NB) z Vadimem Stolz'em (VS) szefem miedzynarodowej sledczej grupy dziennikarskie j Left Russia Nous pensons que cette conspiration s’est formee au printemps 2008 dans le triangle forme par l’equipe de campagne de Mac Cain, d’anciens membres du « groupe super secret » de BOB GATES de 1989-1991 et les representants du centre clandestin BANDEROVITE (NDT : Banderovites : fascistes ukrainiens, voir plus loin) dans le service central du renseignement militaire du Ministere Ukrainien de la Defense. Bush erpresst Deutschland in der Frage NATO-Mitgliedschaft der Ukraine F. William Engdahl Wladimir Iljitsch Filin, Schwergewicht des ukrainischen Geheimdienstes, und sein Unternehmen Far West Ltd. sind vermutlich die entscheidenden Verbindungsglieder zur CIA beim Drogen- und Waffenhandel.
A Trap for Russia. U.S Neoliberals and Ukrainian Fascists Behind Operation “Clean Field” The conspiracy matured by the spring of 2008 in the triangle Ukrainian Deputy Asks U.S. Ambassador Taylor to Clarify US Position on Ukraine's Nuclear Status Deputy Leonid Grach: "I would like to know if the government of the USA is interested in thedeterioration of relations between Russia and Ukraine." Bush blackmails Germany by Ukraine's plans to go nuclear. A new round in the strategy of tension? Having Merkel stunned by his announcement, Bush then accused Germany of leaving Ukraine no other choice [to defend itself against Russia] and put the blame squarely on the Germans if Ukraine goes nuclear. Kadyrov's “death squads” in Afghanistan. "Secret Afghan death squads, acting on the orders of foreign spies and killing civilians inside Afghanistan with impunity" are under the command of the double agent Ruslan Saidov -- the chief of the secret Chechen intelligence service who has recently met with Robert Kagan, advisor to Senator John McCain.
From the left: Andrei Kozlov - banker (+ 09.14.06), Anna Politkovskaya - journalist (+ 10.06.06), Paul Khlebnikov - journalist (+07.07.04), Max (Mad) Kurochkin - mobster ( 03.27.07), Oleg Orlov - arms dealer, partner of Viktor Bout (+ 07.09.07) What is in common between these individuals besides the obvious fact that they are dead?
Patrushev is about to be replaced by Mr. Cherkesov?
Third Barbarossa Turki, Braithwaite, Gates, Ermarth -- they already beat us once in the last lethal stage of Barbarossa-2. Now they are back for the endspiel of Barbarossa-3. If they win this time there will be no fourth.
Liquidation of Oleg Orlov and the Problem of 2008
Orlov's murder will allow FarWest to concentrate on destabilizing Russia and help Bush to legitimize attacking Iran.
The "conspiracy in Nice" was an information trap that intended to make FarWest the masters of the discourse on the secret springs ofthe Second Chechen War, the bombings in Moscow and the "Operation Heir." THE HUNT FOR DAVIDOVICH (Rus) Davidoviz-Muller's ties to LA fascism, to death squads, his double game with FARC are logical outcome of the social nature of FarWest -- the mafiiso-political society born out of the New World Order, new fascism. The All-American Girl from the CIA and Hizb ut-Tahrir
US Companies Linked to Vice-President Cheney Supervised the Transfer of Ukrainian WMD to Iran Owners of Far West Ltd (from the left): Ruslan Saidov, Vladimir Filin, Anton Surikov American People Want To Know Truth about US Government and the Drug Meta-Group of Vladimir Filin
We invite the editorial board of Chechenpress to express your opinion about Saidov's allegations and, by doing this, to put the end to the strange silence in relation to Ruslan Saidov and his "partners" in the consulting agency Far West, LLC, Anton Surikov above all. The End of the "Conspiracy in Nice" The "conspiracy in Nice" has been proven to be a fake. Instead, there was a conspiracy to create and plant this fake in public consciousness. The "Troika" of IPROG (left to right): Boris Kagarlitsky, Ilia Ponomarev, and Anton Surikov New Information about Filin's Group "Somewhere near Moscow": Anton Surikov (center) with Shatbai Shavit (left) and Dov Kontorer at the recent conference of Israeli and Russian intelligence services organized by Sergei Kurginyan and his Experimental Creative Center. Photo courtesy Forum.msk.ru IPROG "Experts" Update Their Mug Shots Ruslan Saidov aka Ugur Mehmed (left) and Vladimir Filin aka "Ilyich", "El Buho". Photos courtesy Pravda.info
Expert Confirms Heroin Trafficking by Russian Military "The CIA is absolute universal evil, Satan and the enemy of human kind" - says IPROG expert in La Paz, Bolivia
"Consulting" Agency Far West, LLC Paid $3 Million Bribe to Ukrainian Official For Illegal Arms Deals with Syria and Iran Far West, Ltd. Leaves Europe Under the Threat of Criminal Prosecution. Renamed Far West, LLC Academician Anton Surikov Confirms Professor Peter Dale Scott's "Prishtina Dash" Hypothesis Conversations with Armen (Russian) Israeli Intelligence Source Hints that Far West, Ltd/LLC Was Behind the X-55 Transfer Sanctioned by Washington Russia is not Israel. We are more interested in this question: Was it indeed Vladimir Filin's group who in 1997 delivered to Basaev and Hattab a party of Ukrainian SAMs "Igla"? New Information on the Involvement of Far West, Ltd in Illegal Arms Smuggling Did the CIA Order "People's" Referendum in Russia?
Peter Dale Scott On photo: Dr. John Dunlop of Hoover Institution The United Socialist Front of Boris Kagarlitsky with Narcobarons Bad Actors in IPROG. Part Two: The Raid Bad Actors in IPROG. Part One: The Devil's Dozen
You smell a rat? |
Yasenev's Memo
FarWest: Members and Partners
Fritz Ermarth of the Nixon Center and SAIC. Sir Rodric Braithwaite of
Alexei Kolosovskii (b. 1960)
Useful links http://ist-socrates.berkeley.edu/~pdscott/ http://www.webdopresse.ch/fr_pays.asp?nav=anglais Articles Missile Defense Will Not Be Deployed The Anglo-American Military Axis |